Recruitment Services
Wish to Work in Canada? We can help!
Job Matching
We strive to place you in a position where you may find an excellent job opportunity, whether it’s your very first time or if you have prior experience. We work hard to ensure that you are matched with a position that matches your talents, assets, and experience.
We will guide you through every step of the process, from finding the right job to filling out the necessary paperwork. In addition, we will provide you with resources and support to help you succeed in your new job.
Job Matching
Job matching helps to match the correct employer with the right candidate. We do so by assessing your credentials, attributes, personality, skills, values, and experience. We take it all into consideration, helping you get a job that will work for you and is sustainable for you. We want you to be happy where you work and work to find you one that will satisfy your career prospects or put you in the direction of where you need to go. We want to place you in a career that leads to future opportunities, not dead ends. We are here to help you get set up with the right job to open doors for you!
We also work with employers to find the right candidates. We understand employers’ needs and job posting requirements and quickly sort through job postings/job listings to find work for you. Our team will assess the compatibility between you and the employer, the longevity and opportunity of the career, and whether or not it is a worthwhile option for you. This support significantly cuts down wasted time viewing unrelated job postings, sending in applications to employers who are a bad fit for you, and going to interviews with companies that don’t provide good opportunities for you.
We streamline this process for you, we find jobs in North America for you! We work hard to make sure you are getting the best job for your skillset, personality, and future goals and we also make our employers happy by matching them with brilliant candidates that are ready for work in North America.
We understand that finding information about LMIA available jobs in Canada can be difficult. We make it our goal to provide job seekers with the most up-to-date and accurate information possible. We regularly scour the internet for new job postings, and we also maintain a database of past job openings. This way, we can provide you with a comprehensive list of LMIA jobs in Canada that you can apply for.
In addition, we also offer a variety of resources and support to help you succeed in your job search. We can provide you with tips on how to write a winning resume, how to ace an interview, and how to navigate the Canadian job market.
If you are interested in finding a LMIA job in Canada, then please contact us today. We would be happy to help you get started on your career journey.
CUSMA Business Geeks Inc. specializes in expert business advisory services, dedicated to assisting businesses in acheiving their strategic goals with professionalism and ethical standards. We are not a law firm or immigration consulting firm. For immigration related services, we can consult you to our trusted immigration firm partners.